What's the renters' tax credit?

The Renters' Tax Credit Program provides property tax credits for renters who meet certain requirements. The concept rests on the reasoning that renters indirectly pay property taxes as part of their rent and thus should have some protection, as do homeowners. ​​​​​

​​​It's a program for low-income renters to help account for the sky-rocketing cost of rent in Maryland.

The program provides financial assistance in the form of a direct check payment of up to $1,000 per year for tenants to use towards their rent.

Application Timeline

Application timeline: February 2025 - October 1, 2025.

Apply online

Paper application

Request an appointment or application by calling 443-961-6220



This program is for low-income renters whose total assets do not exceed $200,000, and where the property is the main residence of the applicant.

You might qualify if...

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You are over 60-years-old

  • If you are age 60 or over, use the chart below to determine if it is worthwhile for you to file an application.

Find your approximate total gross household income in Column A-Total Income

  1. If your monthly rent is more than the figure in Column B-Monthly Rent across from your income, you may be eligible and are encouraged to apply.

See the full chart by clicking here.
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You are permanently disabled

  • If you are 100% disabled, use the chart below to determine if it is worthwhile for you to file an application.

  • See chart for those over 60 years old

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You are younger than 60-years-old and...

  • During the previous year​, had at least one dependent under the age of 18 living with you AND

  • You did not receive federal or state housing subsidies or reside in public housing AND

  • The combined household income of all residents of your dwelling is below the following guidelines, you are encouraged to apply.

how much can i save?

Answer the questions below to calculate how much money you might save by applying for the tax credit.

This calculator provides an estimate, the State Department of Assessments and Taxation will confirm the amount of your credit after processing your application.


According to our calculations, you may be able to save up to $275 by applying for the renters' tax credit.


Maryland renters who are at least 70 years old and eligible for the Renters Tax credits can also claim credits retroactively for up to three (3) years if they’ve never previously applied.


 In the News!

Economic Action Maryland’s Executive Director, Marceline White, shares that you might qualify for a little-known tax credit that has been on the books for decades.

Economic Action Maryland helping seniors fight economic insecurity.

Economic insecurity is a daily reality for thousands of older adults in Maryland living on fixed incomes and struggling to meet their obligations each month. Many of these older adults are eligible for assistance programs that would help them to age in place. In addressing the needs of seniors, our SOAR Counselors provide screening and application assistance for the Renters’ Property Tax Credit to older adults.

What if I don't qualify?

If you aren't eligible, remember that your friends, families, or neighbors might be!
Please share the information and help us make sure everyone who qualifies takes the credit.


Questions about the Tax Credit?

  • Refer to the official Renters' Tax Credit page

  • Call the State Department of Assessments and Taxation at 410.767.4433

  • Contact us using the form below.